Past Events

Burns Night 2023

Fog and ice on Saturday 21st January did not prevent a large number of Society members and friends, some from long distances, gathering at the Parsonage Hotel in Escrick to celebrate the birthday of our National Bard, Robert Burns.  

Click on the link below to view the special newsletter of the evening.


President May Townsend with her son Alastair and family about to enjoy the Burns Supper at The Parsonage.

Autumn Gathering 2022


President Sue Marshall welcomed over 40 members to the Autumn Gathering held at York Golf Club on 2nd October.  

The Sunday Lunch was enjoyed by all who attended.  

St Andrew's Day 2022 - Tree Planting Ceremony

To honour the life and reign of HM Queen Elizabeth II, President Sue Marshall led the Society in planting a Scots Pine tree in Homestead Park, supported by staff from
The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust.

Society Piper Jim Sharpe played the pipes to gather the members to the site of the planting.

Many members of the Society were present for the planting and enjoyed a hot drink at the nearby YMCA thereafter.


St. Andrew's Night 2022


Around 50 members and friends attended our St. Andrew's Night Dinner & Dance at The Parsonage Hotel, Escrick.  

The Toast to Scotia was given by Ian Reynolds, referring in his speech to the works of Sir Walter Scott.  

Musical entertainment was provided by the excellent "Bracken Rigg".

Battle of Byland Commemoration - October 2022


On Saturday 15th October 2022, 20 Society members of the visited the Sutton Bank Visitor Centre to commemorate the 700-year anniversary of the Battle of Byland, when Scottish forces led by King Robert I (Robert the Bruce) defeated an English army led by Edward II.  
The battle was one of many fought during the Scottish Wars of Independence before the eventual treaty of Northampton and Edinburgh was signed confirming Scotland as an independent country and Robert the Bruce as its rightful monarch.

We enjoyed a look around the various exhibits before coming together as a group to sing renditions of Scots Wha Hae, Scotland the Brave and Flower of Scotland to the pipes played by Jim Sharpe.

A Memorial Stone and Information Board was then unveiled by Adam Bruce - a direct descendant of King Robert.

Afterwards we headed to the Carpenters Arms in Felixkirk to enjoy a lovely lunch in their private dining room.



2022 Summer BBQ

Past President Aileen Minns and her husband David hosted a hugely enjoyable and well-attended Summer BBQ at their home in July.  The weather was largely fair, the food cooked by Jack & Jacky Marchbank was delicious and £200 was raised in the raffle for the Martin House Children's Hospice.  

Burns Night 2022


On Saturday 22nd January over 60 members and friends of the Society held a very successful Burns Night at York Racecourse with special guests,
the Lord Mayor of York and Civic Party.

The Toast to the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns was given by
Murray Halliday, Vice-President of the Yorkshire District, Burns Federation.  

Click on the link below to see more details.


St Andrew's NIght Dinner & Dance at York Racecourse

November 2021

Kyle Granite with Husband Niv


Top table guests with Piper Jim Sharpe

2021/22 President Sue Marshall with husband Robert