President for 2024/25

Past President Jim Robertson (right above) will become President of the Society for the 2024/25 membership year, ably supported by Frank Paterson (left above) in the role of President Elect.




Honorary Membership Award for Ron Robb

In June 2023, Ron Robb received Honorary Membership of the Society in recognition of many years of service to the Society and for serving as President in 1987-88.

2023 President Grant Young presented Ron with his Certificate accompanied by members and friends of the Society. 

Society Piper Jim Sharpe provided accompaniment on the bagpipes. 

Following the presentation, all were generously served scones, teas and coffees by the staff at Ouse View Care Home.

2023/24 President - Grant Young


At the 2022/23 AGM, Grant Young became President of the Society for the coming year and is enthusiastic about the year ahead and looking forward to the many events the Society has planned.

Grant was presented with the President's Badge by retiring President May Townsend.


Grant's chosen charity for the coming year is the Wilberforce Trust Sensory Garden Appeal.

Latest Caledonian Magazine

Click on the button below to read the latest version of The Caledonian Magazine

Honorary Membership Award for Jim & Eileen Robertson

In May 2022, Jim and Eileen Robertson received Honorary Membership of the Society in recognition of their 50-year service and for both serving as President during this time.

President Sue Marshall and Secretary Jim Murison visited Jim at home and made the official presentation of behalf of the Society.

May 2022 AGM Update

Click on the button below to read the May 2022 AGM Update

Charity Donation

At the 2021/22 AGM on the 6th May, the Society was delighted to present a cheque for £500 to the Dunnington Cancer Support Group.  The funds were raised during the year by Society members, mainly from raffle donations at our 2021 Summer BBQ at the home of David & Aileen Minns in Copmanthorpe.



Moira Deuchars (Secretary, Ladies Circle) presenting Ann Robinson, from the Dunnington Cancer Support Group for York against Cancer, with a cheque for £500.

Moira presented the cheque on behalf of the Society, in memory of her late husband Alf, who had chosen the charity in 2021.