2022 Burns Night

On Saturday 22nd January over 60 members and friends of the Society held a very successful Burns Night at York Racecourse with special guests, the Lord Mayor of York and Civic Party (see photos below).
The toast to the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns was given by Murray Halliday, Vice-President of the Yorkshire District, Burns Federation.



President Sue Marshall prepares to 'Address the Haggis'

The Lord Mayor of York, Revd Cllr. Chris Cullwick with other top table guests

The Immortal Memory was given by Murray Halliday pictured here with his daughter KIrsty

St Andrew's NIght Dinner & dance Held at York on 27th November 2021

Kyle Granite with Husband Niv


Top table guests with Piper Jim Sharpe

2021/22 President Sue Marshall with husband Robert